
Epoxy curing reaction test method

Epoxy curing reaction test method 
• epoxy resin and hardener are mixed according to a certain percentage of the legislation, had already begun to conduct cross-linking reaction, in appearance not easily observed, the reaction speed of the speed and used in curing agent and curing temperature related. 
• Generally, the higher the temperature the faster the reaction speed, so as not to rush resin mix well using the best storage in the refrigerator or frozen library, to "freeze" or slow progress of the curing reaction. 
  • When the resin to do the processing, you want to harden quickly and completely, because the quality of the product is good or bad or not related to the number and harden completely. How to determine the resin is fully cured or hardened attainment is a very important task, common to traditional chemical titration test equipment is not developed early, both time-consuming and vary from person to get the different data. Now have a variety of precision instruments cages, but not detected quickly and accurately.Epoxy resin Electronial components